81% of locations in Hamilton and surrounding areas show FairFence's Google Business Profile ranking in the Top 3, providing unmatched exposure for their business.
This result reflects the power of targeted SEO and Google My Business optimisation delivered by SN Business Solutions.
81% of locations in Hamilton and surrounding areas show FairFence's Google Business Profile ranking in the Top 3, providing unmatched exposure for their business.
This result reflects the power of targeted SEO and Google My Business optimisation delivered by SN Business Solutions.
Rank higher and get discovered locally with fast, effective strategies.
Custom websites built for performance and delivered in under two weeks.
Launch campaigns that deliver measurable leads and real growth.
Build your online presence with professionally managed content.
From innovative tools like fencing calculators to setting up professional custom email accounts, we provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of your business. What ever you are after, ask us.
Business Done Differently — Our Story Makes the Difference
Hustling seven days a week, we’re here whenever you need us. We make time for you — because that’s how partnerships work.
While others take months, we get your custom website live in under two weeks, and SEO results in as little as two months. We work fast because we know your business can’t wait.
We’re two 20-somethings who live and breathe this business. We’re two hardworking individuals who genuinely delivery results
No middlemen, no sales scripts — just 1-on-1 calls with us, the co-owners. This means faster communication, better results, and total accountability.
For sales related inquiries for new clients
Sahil Bhana
For service delivery inquiries for existing clients
Nathan Hrstic
0210 292 5654
Where we are located
Auckland, New Zealand - we are more than happy to connect in person
What are our operating hours
7 days a week, all (somewhat reasonable) hours of the day